Together we believe Catawba Can make a difference for those in food or financial crisis. Please consider giving monthly to help those in need right here in our community.

Your Monthly Support Makes An Impact

Please Join Us - Together We Know Catawba Can Make A Difference for Those Facing A Food or Financial Crisis.

With our partnerships, we are able to take your $10 donation and purchase over 55 1bs of food for those in need. Ashure Ministry continues to see an increase in all services provided since expanding its outreach to the entire county.

Overall services have increased by 45% comparing the first 8 months of 2023 and 2024. Your monthly contribution helps maximize our impact, which is essential at this rate of growth. For example, every $10 donated can provide food assistance valued at $154 due to our volume of purchasing power and food donations.

Every $25 can provide financial crisis services (rent/mortgage, heating & cooling, and water) valued at $87. Again, monthly donations of $10 or more can make a big impact. .

Long-term loyalty, even in small dollar amounts, is highly impactful

With your monthly support, we can help someone stay in their home, restore power, keep them cool when they are hot, and also give them food when they are hungry. No amount is too small, we are so grateful for any and every amount you can give.