Charlie Bunn Food Pantry

We host a select number of volunteers who are willing to learn and work in some of our more specialized positions.

Food Pick-Up Door

  • Joyful and welcoming individuals great clients at our food pick-up door. This involves assembling a food cart by selecting food items for the clients based on our distribution system. When the cart is complete, the volunteer takes the rolling cart out to the client's vehicle just outside the pick-up door. At this point, the client will load the groceries into their vehicle. This position involves a little bit of walking and can be very rewarding!

Grocery Van Drivers

  • Trained volunteers visited designated grocery stores to pick up food for us in our vans. They help unload and weigh the newly arrived food. This position requires a valid driver's license and a clean driving history.

Ready to Join Our Amazing Volunteer Crew?

If you, your fellow church members, friends, or colleagues are interested in learning about office volunteer opportunities, we invite you to sign up by clicking on the button below. For questions contact Allen Sherrill at 828-446-5418 or at We look forward to working with you soon!

Every time I volunteer at Ashure Ministry, I spend time with another amazing human answering God’s call to serve our neighbors. It is my favorite day of the week!