Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Exhaustion to Hope

Kara walked into Ashure Ministry worn down by life’s struggles. Her face carried the weight of exhaustion, but her eyes still held a quiet resolve. “I’m really trying to make it work,” she said, her voice soft, yet determined. “I have a job at the dollar store, but it’s just not enough. My rent is due tomorrow, and I don’t know what to do.” Audrey, her case manager, leaned in with a reassuring smile, “Let’s figure this out together. We are here to help.”

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Timing is Everything

One morning, Anita, one of our food pantry volunteers, stepped outside to greet a family she remembered from their first visit to the food pantry. She recognized the cute little boy, 5-year-old Billy, who excitedly asked, “Hello! Do you have any chicken today?” Anita paused, knowing she hadn’t seen any chicken that morning, but smiled and replied, “I’m not sure, Billy, but I’ll see if I can find some for you.” His little face lit up with hope, and he joyfully exclaimed, “Thanks!”

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Staying Connected

In our bustling thrift store, among the racks of pre-loved clothes and shelves of household goods, Patricia caught sight of a familiar face while browsing around during her lunch break. Byron, a man in his sixties with gentle eyes and an intense expression, perused the men’s section. He examined a dark blue jacket, then moved on to a pair of gray slacks.

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Stronger Together

I’m sorry, but we can’t keep you on…” Those are words no one wants to hear. For Willis,* who was already struggling financially with rising medical costs, this news hit especially hard. As a veteran, Willis was always determined to keep pressing on. He wanted to find a new job, but beyond temporary work, nothing came through.

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Caring Community

In the heart of our small town stands a local, humble convenience store. Its owner, Orlando,* is a man quietly dedicated to this community. He believes in helping others and understands the importance of making all his customers feel welcome. One spring afternoon, Orlando was behind the counter, organizing shelves and attending to customers when a familiar face walked in. It was Karl, our food pantry associate. Orlando recognized Karl as a regular customer, and this day he noticed that Karl was wearing an Ashure Ministry shirt.

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Close to the Brokenhearted

When Sheree, mother of two teenagers, arrived in our lobby, she was warmly greeted by Tamara, our front desk receptionist. Sheree told Tamara she was embarrassed to say that she and her family needed food assistance. Tamara told her that she would begin her application so that she and her family could get the food they needed. 

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

A Way Forward

As the cold morning chill seeped through the windows of his modest home, John, a recent widower, sat down and found himself confronted by the harsh reality of overcoming his grief, managing medical bills, and several past-due notices. John was going through a lot with the loss of his wife…

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

A Mother’s Resolve

A sudden job loss is never easy, but when Bethany found herself facing this challenge with two children relying on her, she knew she had to do whatever it took to protect them, even if it meant making some tough decisions. Earlier this year, she encountered one of her hardest choices yet.

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Hardship after Hardship

"It's hard to believe I'll get through this . . ." Liv thought to herself. She never imagined her 70’s would look this way. She came to Ashure Ministry desperate. It all began when she was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease that required dialysis treatments three times a week. To make things easier, she and her husband Gregg decided to get an apartment closer to the dialysis center…

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Positive Strides

At the age of 62, Meg had worked as a nurse for 30 years. She endured an injury that took her ability to serve as a nurse from her. Dependent solely on social security income for the first time, she found herself facing new limitations and patterns at the end of each month that often resulted in choosing between buying food or paying her bills.

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Kelli Kaylor Kelli Kaylor

Hope Beyond Trauma

Leslie's journey to ECCCM began amid a series of traumatic events that left her grappling with possible homelessness. “It just feels like I can't handle all of this on my own,” shared Leslie.

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Kristal Manning Kristal Manning


Ava and Everett felt very fortunate to have secured jobs at the same manufacturing company. It was a first for them to work together. With the company's excellent benefits, they would now have much-needed health insurance. This was great primarily because their children had medical needs, and those costs had caused a large amount of debt.

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Kristal Manning Kristal Manning

The Other Side

Mark* is a single father with two young children living at home. Recently, he was in a terrible accident that left him paralyzed. Thankfully, Mark’s mother, Renée,* lived nearby and was willing to move in and help her son and his children. With her help, they could remain at home and keep their routine as much the same as possible. 

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Kristal Manning Kristal Manning

A Fighter

Jamie* arrived at ECCCM three months after her last cancer treatment. “Cancer made it hard for me to work,” she said. “I am trying to get back on my feet. I am even working two jobs, but I just can’t seem to get ahead.”

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Kristal Manning Kristal Manning

Could Not Stay

A single mother of five children, Miley recently lost her youngest child. He was tragically hit by a car at their home. Understandably, Miley struggled with severe depression and panic attacks. Miley came to ECCCM and met with Keely, case manager.

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